
"Gotta Catch 'Em All!"

Monday, March 22, 2010

My Trading Deck

Wendy's Trading Card Deck

I wanted to create different characters that represent some of the topic elements of my blog. They include: topic choice, popular culture, video games, Anima and animation, TV, cartoons and comics, and graphic novels or Manga. I'd like to thank my daughter Isabel who drew my characters based on my description and topic and my son Graeme who developped the offense and defensive moves for each character.

Holojeu (video games)

Offense: Gamerama
- any video game weapon could appear in his hands and he could use that to fight his enemies
- he slows down after exerting all the energy.

Defense: Illusion
- projects holligraphs from his eyes of multimple images of himself. This will throw off the enemy.

Popcular (Pop Culture)

Offense and Defense: Soundphoon
- She makes a typhoon of sound waves around her so most attacks will bounce off the soundphoon and attack something else.

- She can shoot the soundphoon so it will swallow the enemy.

Anima (Animation)

Offense: Transformation
- Anima transforms into a bear (muscle), owl (flight), cheetah (speed), and spider (capture).

Defense: Deep Forest
- A large forest comes out of the ground so Anima can hide in it (camoflauge).

Technotoon (Cartoons and Comics)

Offense: Toon
- He goes toon form and goes crazy and runs at the enemy and will not stop until he has defeated the enemy.

Defense: Techno

- He goes all techno form and is able to heal and block most attacks.

Topicoman (Topic Choice)

Offense: Topic Blast;
- The mouth on his stomach will open. Tons of topics shoot out and it closes after the topics come out. It then shoots beans. These beans create an energy ball that the stomach can fire.

Defense: Topic Wall:
- Topics come out of his stomach to create a strong wall that makes any attacks bounce back at the enemy.

Graphonic (Graphic novels and Manga)

Offense and Defense: Picture Change
- A picture pops up and he jumps into it becoming the picture. The picture flips around and although he is on the other side he looks like his opponent. The opponent gets confused and Graphonic can then attack the opponent.

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