
"Gotta Catch 'Em All!"

The Experts Bio Page

If you are interested in learning more about some of the researchers that I have referenced please read on.

Anne Haas Dyson http://education.illinois.edu/frp/D/ahdyson
James Paul Gee http://www.jamespaulgee.com/node
Donald Graves http://www.heinemann.com/authors/998.aspx
Tom Newkirk http://www.heinemann.com/authors/902.aspx
Kathy Sanford http://www.educ.uvic.ca/Faculty/thopper/sanford/html/index.html

Leanna Madill is a doctoral student in the department of Language and Literacy in the Faculty of Education at the University of Victoria. Her research interests include gender and literacy practices, particularly video game learning, assessment, and teacher education. Her doctoral research focuses on providing workshops titled Debunking video game myths and tapping into the potential of video game play for parents and educators in which participants will be encouraged to learn and then engage in critical dialogue with adolescents about ideologies encountered in video games and play.

Vivian Vasquez: Her research interests are in critical literacy, early literacy and information communication technology. Prior to coming to AU, she taught pre-school and public school for fourteen years. Since then she has held appointive and elective offices in scholarly organizations including, The National Council of Teachers of English, The American Educational Research Association, The International Reading Association and The Whole Language Umbrella. Vivian holds the distinction of being the only scholar to have received both the James N. Britton Award (2005) and the AERA Division B Outstanding Book of the Year Award (2006). Both awards were for her book Negotiating Critical Literacies with Young Children. She was also the first recipient of the AERA Teacher Research SIG Dissertation Award (2004). Dr. Vasquez is host of the CLIP(critical literacy in practice) Podcast located at http://www.clippodcast.com/